Alberta Federation of Rock Clubs Homepage of the
Alberta Federation of Rock Clubs
Founded 1963, Celebrating Our 61th Year


Fossil Leaf, Petrified Wood, Ammonites

The Alberta Federation of Rock Clubs (AFRC) was founded on May 11, 1963, in Red Deer, Alberta. It is currently composed of six clubs throughout the Province. As an organization, the AFRC's mission is to assist member clubs by providing information and expertise, and to promote the study of the Earth Sciences.

Aims of the Alberta Federation of Rock Clubs

  1. To encourage and promote the close association with, and exchange of information between member clubs.
  2. To promote and encourage the study, cutting, polishing, and engraving of gemstones and minerals, rocks and other geological materials and lapidary work as a hobby.
  3. To stimulate an interest in the study of rocks, minerals, gems, fossils and artifacts of Alberta and elsewhere.
  4. To provide member clubs with a list of available instructors for workshops and/or tutoring sessions.
  5. To encourage the appreciation and conservation of our natural resources.
Gold Nugget

Looking for May Daze Information? Go to Activities

Other interesting information and links:

Notes regarding collection, ownership and selling of ammonite shell, fossils and petrified wood in Alberta

2024 update regarding collection, ownership and selling of ammonite shell, fossils and petrified wood in Alberta

Tyrrell Museum information: Found a Fossil.

BC information: Fossil management.

Export information: Legal.

Export information: Lists.

Home Contacts Member Clubs Meetings Activities Newsletter/Minutes

The AFRC is a member of the Gem & Mineral Federation of Canada.
Updated Apr 11, 2024